Implementing future!
offers software solutions for the mineral oil business
MINOVA is well-known for competent software solutions for more than 35 years now. In a team of 25 experts, we are developing custom-made solutions for the market.
The development and the support of these innovative solutions in a small and transparent niche market does require special knowledge and experience.
This is why we look for young academics ourselves. With the help of university trainings, the experts of tomorrow are introduced into the company very early on and a lot of them continue working at MINOVA after their studies.
With the products TTA, AFIS, DISPO, SAM and SIS, MINOVA covers the requirements of tank farm operators, mineral oil traders, shipping companies up to airport administrations.
We set a high value to the governmental admission, e.g. the customs-law admission of the product TTA in Switzerland. Furthermore, the customer specific requirements are integrable into the products without any problems which makes the product very flexible.
Having the possibility of implementing the technique, which is used in the field of business, right onto the solutions MINOVA provides a wide range of knowledge. This starts with the adjusted measuring technique and continues with the connection of ERP systems.

Gudrun Theuerer

Wilfried Saak
Implementation of TTA at Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH
Move into the new office
Relaunch of SAM in the cloud
Launch of Free Tables
Creation of Common Good Balance
SIS as SaaS at Oiltanking Deutschland GmbH
Covid test track
Go Live AFIS Mobile Star at BER
ISO9001 and ISO27001 certification
Export award Bavaria 2019
20 years MINOVA AG Switzerland
Implementation of 3rd generation of the DISPO system
20 years AFIS
Implementation of 3rd generation of the AFIS system
TTA implementation at a refinery
Launch of 2nd generation of TTA
Launch of 2nd generation DISPO
Web-Portal for Partner in tank farms
Consulting order refinery
Integration into SAP business solution
Launch of AFIS system in Saudi Arabia
Launch of web-based Fuel Portal
Launch of WebTTA
Automatic calibration of tanks via satellite
Connection tank measuring system via satellite
Implementation of the AFIS system at several german airports
Launch of AFIS system in South America
Launch of DISPO system in Switzerland
Launch of the AFIS system at big airports in Switzerland
Conversion of last remaining vehicle to online connection in DISPO system
Connection of AFIS system to e-ticketing of Lufthansa
Introduction of DISPO in Germany
Founding of MINOVA AG in Switzerland
Launch of the AFIS system in Germany
Implementation at the airport in Munich
Launch of automatic tank car processing (TTA)
Launch of automatic tank trucks - loading process (TTA)
Implementation of the first Tank Terminal Automation System (TTA)